I Rode on Top of a Bus!!
The setting is a beautiful beach in Esmeraldas. The occasion, a kids' program. The setting was beautiful for a kids' program: the only place the kids could run was into the water. :) We set up a soccer field and played soccer for the first 45 minutes or so then Crystal did an AWESOME job sharing the wordless book. After we played the water cup game! EQUIPO UNO!!! (that was my team!) didn’t win, but did AWESOME!!!
After the kids' program we drove to our favorite beach in Atacamas - SO PRETTY - to our favorite shopping place! (Just so you all know, that's probably where all, and I mean ALL, the souvenirs and gifts came from.) We ate some AWESOME food: fried fish, ceviche, and aroz con molisco! At the restaurant we watched Spain vs. Paraguay! (GO HOLANDA!) Then we went shopping! We basically spent our entire time at this one engraving store. The people there were really nice.Once finished shopping and getting some really good ice cream (the coconut was sooo good!) we drove back to Esmeraldas. The teens had an AWESOME surprise waitting for us! We got to drive through the city on top of a bus that had a band playing in it! It was SOO MUCH FUN!!! I have never experienced that ever before in my life! Ok so we sat on top of this bus with like a 10 inch railing to keep us in! It was hard core but fun!
The bus dropped us off at the church where we did a youth program. Drew, Susanna, Amanda, and Nathaniel shared testimonies which was followed by Daniel and Amy doing a chalk talk. It was really neat to see how the Holy Spirit orchestrated it all to flow so nicely! All the people who spoke talked about finding their identity in Christ!We wrapped up that night with yet another AMAZING meal from the church! (The meals there have been some of the best foods I’ve ever eaten in South America!!)God’s been teaching me a lot about trust this week! It’s been soo much fun and I’m going to miss Esmeraldas dearly. the people there are so hospitable. Saying good bye will be so hard. We left Esmeraldas knowing now that we have family there.John, for the team(Editor's Note: I think John got his days a bit mixed up. The beach kids' program and youth program happened on Saturday, but the bus ride actually happened Friday. Oh, well.)
Crystal sharing the wordless book
Amanda Forman and Anita (daughter of Pastor Luis, who has planned and hosted the team's ministry here in Esmeraldas. Anita was a big help with the pre-trip communication. Thank you, Anita!)
The area where we went shopping