March 11,2009
Today was simply Amazing! Today we went to a small preschool in a shanty-like town built near a garbage dump. The children were so cute and fun! We ATTEMPTED to play red light green light with more than hundred kids between the ages 3-6. We taught about kind words and God’s love and John told the Frisbee chasing dog story. When we past out coloring pages had to leave; it got a little hectic!
Since today is Michelle’s birthday, we sang her happy birthday and even the bus driver joined in.
Due to a schedule change, we had a little free time this afternoon and were able to take a tour of the Devon House. Built by the first Jamaican Millionaire, this house was amazing! After the tour we got ice cream and went souvenir shopping. A few stores later, we had managed to spend hundreds dollars on souvenirs -- Jamaican dollars that is!
In the afternoon we taught another class to a leadership team at one of the schools. We played the “Do you love your neighbor?” game and everyone had a blast! After that, we got the class to act out the Akin skit, teaching them about truthfulness. Te teach the class about truthfulness, Amanda told the story of Akin while having the class act out the story. She had three men come up to be the "walls of Jericho". Wanting them to look strong, she said, "OK guys, show me your guns!" When they all looked at her with confused faces, she realized that they thought she meant real guns. Needless to say, everyone got a good laugh out of it. Rob and Michelle taught the “Courtroom of the Mind” lesson about how you combat bad thoughts with God’s Word. Finally, Celina capped off our time with a very powerful testimony about truthfulness and stealing.
While the rest of the team was teaching, Leah had an opportunity to counsel one of the students who was struggling with deep bitterness. Mr. Forman also met with a young man at the request of the school to help him resolve a conflict between a couple.
To finish off the evening, we fixed a flat tire on our van and headed home.