Divide and Conquer
Saturday! Today was the last day of KP (our unofficial and affectionate nickname for the kid's program). What a day it was! The theme for the morning was wisdom, and it was demonstrated through an amusing rendition of the Mud Melon story in large group. On my (Amy’s) craft team we talked about Solomon, and how God gives wisdom in abundance to those who ask. We made sparkly crowns decorated with jewels, and the kids had an absolute blast. Even the translators and ladies helping me wanted to make their own! One of the ladies who was instrumental in setting up the whole KP was talking with me afterwards about how much of an impact our team had on their kids during the week. She said that the kids had never responded with such excitement and cooperation before, and it was encouraging for us to hear of the changes that will hopefully have lasting impact in these children’s lives.
After KP, the team did a divide and conquer strategy to do two ministry opportunities at once. We left Amber sick at the hotel, and sent Elizabeth, Steven, Krystal, Micah, and Rose to a poor area where about 150 kids were waiting for them. Micah told the Gimme Hands story, which, according to all reports, was absolutely hilarious. They also taught the Armor of God and Boomerang songs, twisted an innumerable amount of balloon creatures, passed out part of Rose and Krystal’s stock of candy, and received lots of hugs and kisses.Meanwhile, Daniel and I headed off to another church to do two meetings with their youth groups. We did the same “My Heart, Christ’s Home” chalk drawing as we did with the young professionals group the evening before, and had a great response. The junior high group was a little harder to connect with than the senior high, but there was obviously an impact. It’s such a powerful message about giving Christ your whole heart and making Him the preeminent One, and though he wasn’t feeling well, Daniel delivered the message with equal passion. Afterward, we had a great time fellowshipping with the senior highers, getting to know them personally and encouraging them one on one, while being encouraged ourselves at the same time.
It’s hard to believe that our time is drawing to a close. We’ve all come to love Bogota and the people here, and it’s going to be hard to leave them this coming week. The Lord is certainly doing a great work, and it’s exciting to have had a small part of it. And, though there were times when we were stretched beyond our limits, God gave grace to the weary, strength to the weak, wisdom in abundance, and joy in all circumstances. Even now I’m still amazed that the whole trip worked out, and it’s been such a wonderful experience. Hmm, maybe I’ll just have to miss my flight home…-Amy, for the team(P.S. Mom and Dad - Don’t worry, I will come back, no matter how much it’s been awesome here!)
One of the other Saturday crafts - sock puppets that illustrate that wisdom must come from the heart if we want wise actions and words on the outside.
The kids sang their songs and quoted their Bible verses for the parents.
We took lots of pictures while saying goodbye to all the ninos.
Singing the songs together one last time in large group.
The mud melon story.
We are going to miss these kids!