A New Record

Sunday, June 8

The beginning, middle and end of the day was filled with church services. Our team visited six total—a Global Encounters record! After visiting so many churches and going through multiple Spanish introduction up front, any non-Spanish speakers on the team soon became very familiar with such phrases as “Me llamo…,” “Soy de…”, and “Tengo ____ anos.” Of course, John enjoyed pretending to be ignorant with his Spanish during such introductions, purposefully stumbling around before pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket with phrases written on it to read. The Argentines loved this and laughed heartily at John’s attempts, even as John laughed at himself. His introduction was the comic relief at each church!

Adrian’s Testimony(Adrian sharing a testimony at church #1.)

Speaking of introductions, one particular introduction our team received especially stood out above and beyond the rest. At our second church of the day, a church filled with former drug addicts, the men of the congregation greeted us outside in the sunshine with song. At first, as we listened to their chant-like song and dance with drums, we wondered if a fire and spit awaited us, that is, until Josue translated the words of their song as praises to Jesus. Whew! Honestly though, the joy in the Argentine’s hearts was evident in each of their faces as they sang. It was beautiful to observe and an unforgettable greeting in more ways than one!

Is this Africa

(The greeting committee at church #2.)

At that particular church and every other service we visited, our team shared songs, music, testimonies, and preached the word of God. Every time, an altar call was given and numerous people came forward in tears, sobbing with repentance. Our team prayed one-on-one with the people. Many times, the tears were not only on the faces of the Argentines, but the Americans as well. We witnessed many lives touched by the hand of God. Truly, the Lord is doing a mighty work here in the churches of Argentina. He is drawing people to Himself; He is glorifying His name; and He is using weak and needy people to accomplish it.

Blessed be His name!

Tiffany for the Team

Violin Solo

Dena playing a violin solo.

DuetDaniel and Elizabeth singing a duet.

Tim’s TestimonyTim sharing a testimony.

The CongregationThe outdoor congregation.

preachingDaniel preaching and Josué translating. We are so grateful for Josué, Carolina, and Crystal's amazing abilities in Spanish!

LunchThis is our lunch!

Amanda’s TestimonyAmanda sharing a testimony.

Worship ServiceThis was one of those very active worship services - hence the slight blur in the picture.

Click here for more blog entries from this team.


First Night of the Kid's Program


Comfort Zone Ends Here