I am so excited to be part of a ministry to children in Ecuador again this summer! Please read this page for more info on the team I am traveling with, why I am going, and how you can help.

Where am I going?

I’m going to Ecuador with Global Encounters! We will be working primarily with children, sharing the gospel with them in fun and exciting ways at VBS-style events and camps. I am planning to arrive two weeks ahead of the team, similar to what I did last year, in order to continue my language study. Once the team arrives, we will spend the first week in Quito, working with two local churches who use their VBS programs both to encourage the kids in their church and also as a way to reach out to the community. The second week will be at the coast, leading a week-long camp. There are so many opportunities to build relationships and disciple the kids at camp and many children have responded to the gospel at these camps over the years. We will wrap up the trip with a few days of teen ministry at the coast before heading home.

Why does Ecuador need missions? 

With the growth of the national church, many mission organizations have turned their attention elsewhere. While the church is strong and growing, pastors have expressed that they miss the encouragement from the missionaries. They are grateful to work side-by-side with believers from other countries. It reminds them that they are not alone and not forgotten.

One of the most exciting things about working in Ecuador right now is the growth of children’s ministries around the country. Much of this has been spurred on by our team’s host in Ecuador, Pastor Benjamin Contto. He is the children’s pastor at a church in Quito and has mentored the development of children’s ministries in churches all over the country. It’s exciting to be able to work with him and invest in some of these children’s ministries!

The kids in Ecuador had a rough few years during covid. Ecuador had some of the longest school shut-downs in the world. Many kids were stuck in their apartments for months on end. They need help learning how to recover from the depression and isolation of the last few years. I’m excited about sharing the gospel in Ecuador and loving the kids who will come to our programs! 

How can you help?

How can you help?

Please pray for our time there, that the children we work with would know that they are valued and loved by God. You can keep up with our team’s ministry activities through the Global Encounters Instagram and Facebook pages. 

You can also help financially! My expenses are about $3550, including flights. You are welcome to share in this opportunity in large or small ways! You can use the link below to donate and it will be put towards my trip. Thank you so much for your generosity and your help!