Ministry to Mothers || Philip - January 4

With each time I travel on a trip, I am continually amazed at how God works and leads us to the things that he wants us to do. We are in our second week here in Ecuador and our contact has been excited about us being able to work with some different groups that he is trying to work with. On two different mornings, we were going to travel to a nearby area and work with some teenagers and single mothers.Today was the day dedicated for single mothers. It was neat to see their excitement as our team came to work with them. While the team stayed at the place we were working, I went with Darren and ran some errands. As I was talking with him and learning about what they are doing in the area, he was trying to get in contact with the people who were leading the teen program on Thursday. He finally got in contact with them and found out that the time in which they do the program, we need to be traveling to get back to the village where we are working, so this was not going to work.While we talked about the different things we could do, the ladies were absolutely enjoying what they were doing and wanted to know if we could come back. Before we left, they knew that we were coming back for another day with them, The first day with the single mothers presented the team with an awesome opportunity for us to love some precious ladies. At the end of the day, I was reminded that God providentially guides our steps and that we should be faithful in following him.


"Welcome" and "Good-Bye" || Janelle - January 6


Friday And Saturday || Lance - December 30 & 31