Sharing Salvation || Lydia - July 27

It seemed like surely the village would be around the next bend, but we drove on and on; first on the highway, then a side road, a dirt road, and finally something that didn’t deserve to be called a road at all. We were taking the message of salvation to the ends of the earth (Acts 13:47). All of a sudden, the road ended. “We must be here,” I thought. We were – after a short hike into the valley.It was a quaint, tiny village. No roads, no paths, not hardly even trails. There were just a few visible houses, so I was surprised at the number of people that made their way out of the trees and into the public building where we were holding our program. The noise echoed in the concrete building, but the group was very attentive as we shared the message of salvation through songs, stories, crafts, and games.All too soon, it was time to say goodbye. Though we spent only a few short hours with those people, we were able to share God’s Word with them. I am encouraged by the promise found in Isaiah 55:11: “[My Word] shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”After a quick lunch, we headed back down the mountain and did a program at the church in another village. There were many children and adults who where all eager to hear what we had to share.Spending time in the village today was a good reminder that what we have, or how much we have does not make a difference in our standing with God. We are all sinners, and we desperately need Jesus just as much as the people in that remote village in Mexico.Chiapas16-72701 Chiapas16-72702 Chiapas16-72703 Chiapas16-72704 Chiapas16-72705 Chiapas16-72706 Chiapas16-72707 Chiapas16-72708


Last Day of Programs || Rebekah - July 28


Proclaiming the Good News || Caleb - July 26