Not Just a Sea of Faces || Elena - July 13

Praise God for all that He is doing so far on this trip. The first day of this week l had an overwhelming sense of doubt that our lesson team would be able to communicate God’s message on a personal level to SO many children. That first day I only saw a sea of faces. Throughout that day God showed me my lack of faith in Him. Throughout the second day my heart became increasingly heavy for these children. I truly saw their hearts and needs. A great love for them overcame me. God gave me and the rest of the lesson team the words to say that led the children to many questions related to salvation. My heart was heavy for their needs, yet at peace knowing that God is in this endeavor with our team. There was so much prayer and a change in the team and amongst the kids. Today, more than the other days, I saw the children as not JUST a sea of faces, but precious individuals with deep and complex needs.We have been teaching 5 classes in the morning at one church and 4-5 in the afternoon at another church. Today became a day of great joy as almost 30 souls came to know God personally! Many of their hearts were so tender and ready. Several of the children came to understand for the first time that their works would not save them. Also, a few of the children came up, after praying for salvation, asking for prayer for very specific needs in their lives. These children, like many around the world know too much pain. We had opportunity to pray, cry and just love these kids. How humbling it is to be used of God in this way. I am excited to see what the next couple of weeks bring! Never doubt what God can do and use you for.- ElenaMKW_2016_07_13__MG_6034MKW_2016_07_13__MG_6057MKW_2016_07_13__MG_6064MKW_2016_07_13__MG_6100MKW_2016_07_13__MG_6164MKW_2016_07_13__MG_6180MKW_2016_07_13__MG_6191MKW_2016_07_13_IMG_6082


Unexpected Encounters || Lydia - July 15


God is Merciful || Hayden - July 12