Why Global Encounters | Atalie


Why Atalie enjoys serving with Global Encounters:

I love how short term teams can have long term impact when the local churches are trained in ministry areas that they can replicate the rest of the year.  I've seen this happen first hand in South Asia where we trained our translators how to run children's programs and then saw pictures on social media of them running their own children's programs after we went home! We've had translators use our curriculum to run programs in areas we probably will never get to visit, and then come back to our programs the next year to get more ideas and do it again. This ripple effect is, I think, exactly what Jesus had in mind when he said, "Go into every nation...."  Global Encounters goes with the mindset of helping with what God is doing through the established church in each country instead of barging in and offering what we think is needed without working with the locals to offer what is really needed. We go as learners. This two-way street builds up the international Church so that we are not only serving, we also are being served by the people we serve. That, my friend, is a beautiful thing.


Why Global Encounters | Lydia


Ditch the Gingerbread House