From the City to the Jungle || Aria - August 26

Today, we finished packing and headed out to the jungle. The view of the city slowly faded away from us and was replaced by lush green mountains and banana trees. It's been a year since I left Chiapas and oh how I've missed it. We are working in Ch'ol country; anyone who's been here knows that Ch'ol means beautiful icy blue waterfalls, exotic wildlife, deep wet jungle, large spiders (seriously the spiders are massive, ugh) and so much need for the gospel and medical aid. We stopped for lunch at one of the many cascades and later stopped by another large waterfall to swim and cool off (Ch'ol is HOT). We made it safely to the village around dusk, unloaded in the pouring rain, and had an AMAZING meal by Mindy. Our host family also made us some rad tortillas and we ended the day full and tired. Looking forward to clinic tomorrow!!


A Glimpse of the Clinic || Chris - August 28


Update from the Jungle || Med Team