A Day in Ch'ol || Josiah - August 29

This morning after breakfast we packed up and left the village we were in and drove to the village where we would be spending the next few days. Once we got there we set up the med clinic and got things rolling.
Over the course of the day we helped about 55 people with eye care as well as medical needs. I worked mostly with the eye care station but I also helped out with the evangelism station. At one point when I was helping out with the evangelism station, one of the ladies there accepted the Lord as her personal savior; that was by far the highlight of my day!
After the clinic was over, we showed a film of the book of Acts on the projector and big screen. A lot of people showed up for that because it had just been translated into Ch'ol, this is the second showing of it ever. Once the movie was over we retired for some much needed sleep.

Perspectives of a Translator


A Glimpse of the Clinic || Chris - August 28