A Series of Firsts

This trip has held so many firsts. My first time in Guatemala. My first photography team trip with GE. My first time to eat Lychee, Anona, and Nance (which were delicious, by the way). My first time to teach a lesson to those who are deaf. My first time to sit with them and study their lessons. And I have enjoyed EVERY minute. Living life with the missionaries here, learning to communicate in Guatemalan Sign, the cool breeze that floats through the streets after a hot and muggy day, getting GUA2015_Day 1_Brittni Moten-18a hug from those who come to class, seeing the hunger to learn in their eyes, seeing comprehension & understanding on their faces when they grasp that concept you're teaching, doing dishes with my teammates and discussing life....... just a few of the blessings we've experienced these first few days in the country.

      To say this trip is different from others I've experienced would be an understatement. Having just come from a high-energy, packed-to-the-brim 3-week trip in Ecuador, I actually found this to be a welcome change of pace. Time to sit down, learn new things, and make friends in the process. Because these kids and adults are unable to hear, they notice everything and are SO perceptive. Just a simple word in sign means so much to them because it communicates that you care enough to take the time to learn - which means you want to be their friend. Taking them aside to get their picture brings a light to their eye and a smile to their face.IMG_9390

      On Wednesday Edwin asked me what my sign name was. I'd studied some American Sign Language years ago so I showed him my name from that time: a finger-sign R over my heart. He immediately shook his head no and proceded to tell me in sign what he thought my sign name should be: a finger-sign R on my dimples! :D I promptly adopted that sign and told him how much I liked it - and I'll be keeping it permanently. ;)

      Today (Friday) was my first time to teach. I did the bible lesson usiGUA2015_Day 1_Brittni Moten-15ng images I've taken in years past. Our class was almost all adults. I loved seeing them "listen" as Julia (our amazing translator) communicated what I spoke. Feelings were clearly displayed on faces as they empathized with the message of being alone without Christ - but then finding fellowship with Him through Salvation, which leads to a family when we become part of the body of Christ.

      So far, it's been an amazing 4 days. Looking at the schedule, it looks as though the next 10 will be just as awesome. And if we have some of those unpredictable changes in schedule - I can't wait to see what it will be! I get chills now just writing this post as I think of all the Lord has allowed me to be a part of so far on this trip. Bless His Name!


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A Spontaneous Portrait Session...


We Work Out....