South Asia – April 18 || Tim

One of the things that touched me the most was hearing the testimonies of our team members as they shared how God had worked in their lives through this mission trip. As a team leader who had prayed for God to put together the right team and work in each one, I was so encouraged to hear one share about how they were challenged to be more engaged in God's mission at home, another share about growing in his faith, and another say that before the trip they didn't want to serve in God's ministry but now they are available to His will. By God's grace, we were able to accomplish one of the main purposes for which we came to South Asia: to train the students in youth ministry. In fact, one of the members asked for the curriculum books in order to conduct a kids' camp with his friend (we also gave him the supplies to do this curriculum with about 100 children). Our youngest South Asia team member shared through her tears, how she had felt so small before the trip and is so grateful to have had this opportunity to serve God. Another member shared how he had grown more into his gifting as a teacher. To me, this is evidence of God's work in lives and a direct answer to prayer.So many times, we sensed God's strength in our weakness and guidance when we had no idea what was going to happen. His reality was tangible.I remember on the last night of our last camp, the youth had asked me to share the rest of my testimony that I had started the day before. As I shared about God's dealings in my life, I was reminded of God's incredible grace and how far He has brought me in the last ten years! I am so blessed to know Christ! What I walk away with from this time in SE Asia is a deeper experience of personally knowing God and an appreciation for who He so faithfully is in my life. I remember about ten years ago thinking that I had nothing to live for and sensing such a hopelessness with my future. It was then that I really surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ and began to sincerely seek His face. And now I am here on the other side of the world speaking to an audience of three hundred young people, and with deep conviction and sincerity, testifying of God's reality and the joy of knowing Him intimately. It was so humbling! I give God all the praise.We had a few team issues that we needed to work through at the end of the trip which came out after the fact. But God is so faithful to bring these things to light and guide to solutions. He is giving us suggestions for next time and helping us to grow.We have many open invitations to return to SE Asia--from pretty much everywhere we went. We are praying over these things and trusting God to guide and provide for His work. Sometimes I have this wrong thought that God will stop honoring His Word and betray my trust, but I'm reminded that His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning and great is His faithfulness. O Lord, we commit these matters to you and thank you for being with us and using us in SE Asia. May your kingdom increase and your word bear fruit in these lives. And please continue to lead us onward in 2016. Amen!TimIMG_0171IMG_0243 IMG_0152 IMG_0154


CP Ecuador – May 15 || Conner


South Asia – April 17 || Johnny