South Asia – April 15 || Jesse

I have the privilege of working with the kids 13-21. In the South Asia culture it is a sign of disrespect if you ask your teacher questions. So we thought if they have a question box where they can write their questions down, then the kids will be free to ask any question they would like.Through having that box, we had a great opportunity to answer some well thought questions, such as: "Where did God come from?" "Why would God love a sinner like me?" "Why do I have to love and forgive others?" "I believe that God exists, but I have darkness inside of me...why do I have this darkness and how do I get rid of it?"This has been such an amazing opportunity to plant good seeds of God's Kingdom in their souls and it also gives the Holy Spirit room to lead the teaching! Praise God!!Jesse


For this last week, we were expecting 60-80 teenagers. Once we got there, I found out I will be teaching 150 people from ages 15-30! Even though I didn't know, God knew and planned it this way. It has been such a blessing to teach these people here!I left a question box for those who had questions, and planned to spend our final morning answering the questions. I ended up staying the entire day to answer all the questions while the rest of the team went to a refugee camp for the afternoon. When I took a break from asking questions, people kept dropping more questions in the box. There was such a hunger for truth and they had ears to hear, praise God! This was an exact answer to prayer! While on my breaks, people came up to me to ask more questions.Every question was deep, thought out, and in search of an answer. There were over twenty questions: "if I'm a believer but addicted to drugs, can I still go to heaven?", "I feel Gods call in my life, but I have so much sin in my life. I feel like it's too late?", "what if I fall in love with a non-believer, can I still marry them?", "if I'm backsliding in my spiritual growth, what can I do to fix it?", "what does a slave of righteousness mean?" "Can you explain why God said, 'I will love those who love me; and hate those who hate me.' 'I've been sick for 10 years and praying for healing. I'm so sad because I want to serve God, but I can't. What am I supposed to do? Please pray for me.'"A father had 3 daughters in the teaching sessions. He came up to me and shared how grateful he was for the things his daughters were learning; he also said he was encouraged himself through what his daughters told him of what they learned each day. He then said, "if you guys come back next year I plan to bring 100 more people to hear this message of good news!"JesseIMG_0203


South Asia – April 17 || Johnny


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone