Language Team – March 5 || Maxwell

Hey guys!!!So today we came out to a Bible School/Seminary that is in the jungle and are teaching the young people here about missions and effective ways of outreach. We got here today and they were like "we want y'all to teach at this thing we are doing in town in a few minutes, Oh and y'all are leading the whole thing. It's y'alls show" Haha! so this is how we roll around here but its still always a little of a panic of what we are going to do and how to run it. Anyway we had a quick team meeting and decided that Ash and I would give our testimonies (that we had written out in Spanish the day before in class) and then Ash and Andy (a missionary here) would play music. So we quickly changed into our nice clothes and took off to the park to put on our little program. On the way there we had a great time talking to the students in our broken Spanish :). When we got to the park Ash and Andy started playing music to gather a crowd. Looking back, it was great! Immediately a group began to gather around the team in awe of the great talent which was before them. After maybe 10 min we took a break from the music and both of us gave our testimonies. As I gave mine I had a local missionary translate my Spanish into their Spanish lol. Ash did a great job by the way!!! It was really amazing how God worked it all out! The music kept bringing in more and more people which meant we had a bigger crowd to preach to! Haha. Isn't He great?!!After the program we went back and had a snack with the students and then headed back to the seminary where ended up eating again and then heading to bed. Our bedding situation is another story lol! So the Seminary is very rustic! The buildings are all made of rough slabs of wood or cinder-blocks. The house our team stayed in was half wood and half cinder-blocks. The girls stayed up stairs in the girls dorm and the guys stayed below in the basement. After settling down for what we thought would be a great night's rest, we were all woken up at 3 am by Kim calling from the door for John because she wasn't feeling well. It later turned into her getting a full blown stomach bug and having a miserable night! :( God was faith through it all and by the time we were supposed to teach the next day, she was feeling well enough to teach! Praise the Lord. Though out the whole day (Thursday) and the following night it was so neat to see God's hand in everything whether through His guidance in putting on the program or giving Kim and John grace and peace in dealing with the sickness! God is Good!In Christ,Maxwell2015-03-05 09.32.27 2015-03-05 15.27.34 2015-03-05 16.41.11 2015-03-05 16.43.04 2015-03-05 16.43.22 2015-03-05 17.32.55 2015-03-05 18.05.27 2015-03-05 19.13.10 2015-03-05 19.13.12 2015-03-05 19.56.12


Language Team – March 7 || Ashley


Language Team – March 1 || Ashley