Romania – June 26 || Bethany

It's hard to believe that we have now completed the second part of our ministry in Romania. It seems like only a few days ago we had just arrived in Budapest and we're trying to adjust to a new culture and time zone. Now, here we are, saying "Goodbye" to this group of interpreters and coworkers.As I look back over our past week of ministry, I am amazed at the ways God has worked. He has perfectly orchestrated the weather each day to meet our needs. He has given us the ideas we needed to help the children understand His truth. He has given us the strength to go on when we felt like giving up. And He has worked salvation in the lives of 14 individuals in spite of challenges and distractions.Today has been full of blessings. It started out with the most beautiful weather we've had all week. After our program this morning, we explored a local castle and took team pictures. We also sang in the chapel for quite a while, blessing several of those who heard us. To top it off, we enjoyed an evening of recreation, relaxation, and refreshment with some of our Romanian friends.What a blessing it has been to serve our awesome God together!~BethanyIMG_0005 IMG_0014 IMG_0024 IMG_0025 IMG_0030 IMG_0051 IMG_0058 IMG_0206 IMG_0289


Romania – June 18 || Michael


Romania – June 23 || Amanda