Colombia - May 31st || Sara

Today the team went into town. While we were walking, we passed by a beautiful view of the mountains and stopped to take some pictures. Then we headed straight for the heladeria, an ice cream shop. It was delicious. We also got to do some shopping. Bri got some cute shoes (of course) and Max got another Colombian soccer jersey. It was a fun morning. We had arroz con pollo for lunch at the orphanage and then had some time afterwards to prep for the afternoon activities with the children. At 4 o'clock a soccer match between Colombia and Senegal that the kids desperately wanted to see started so we paused our schedule for a while to watch it with them. They all got very enthusiastic! Even Richard and Max got into it. The game ended with a tie (2-2).

The theme for today was Serve as Jesus Served. For the first game today the kids washed each other's feet, as Jesus washed the disciples' feet in the Bible. To our surprise, the kids loved it. They were cooperative and had lots of fun. In the second game, we had a harder time holding their attention. They had to work together and walk as a group on ski-like boards. The kids got frustrated easily because they kept falling. So after a while I rounded them up and did my best to explain to them the importance of working together to serve others effectively. Then Kristin taught her lesson to all of the kids and we did a pirate skit. Let me just say that the team had a good time "fighting" each other with our balloon swords. After dinner we had team devotions and prepped for the next day's activities which included church and the Colombian Olympics. Drew, Camila, and I practiced the Colombian national anthem and by then we were ready for bed.

Lastly, I want to share a verse that encouraged me during team devos. It reads, "And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross" (Colossians 2:13-14)

SaraDishes time. We have been blessed to be able to serve by doing the dishes after every meal here.One of the amazing views off the mountainRichard and MaxwellShopping time2014053_GE_Colombia_Web-005 2014053_GE_Colombia_Web-006


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Colombia - May 30th || Amanda