Colombia - June 2nd || Bri
Wow! My heart is very full right now! Today was quite the day and I'm not sure even where to begin. I guess a good phrase to sum up the day would be, "walking on clouds"! Lol! First, because my heart walks on clouds being with these children and second because it was a cloudy day. ("Cloudy" weather is quite literal here! It means clouds roll in and you actually walk through them! It's really neat!)
The children were off school today for a holiday and we had all day activities! Crafts, games, stories, and skits were all in full swing today! We had a great time and the kids did too! It's so much fun to watch them go from activity to activity singing the songs we taught them and playing with the things they made in craft class!
Before dinner we had a special large group. Drew had taught the group of 13 teenagers how to sing "Here I Am to Worship" in english and they sang to us all. It was a sweet blessing! Then, Richard and I teamed up and gave a message and chalk talk about God's guiding light, saving light and how we are a light to the world! We gave out gifts after. Then one of the sweetest moments came. All the children held out their hands toward us, as a group, and all prayed a blessing over our team! Pastor C. led in prayer and as he prayed, all 30 some little voices prayed out loud too! I stood there blessed. Tears ran down my cheeks. After the "Amen", hugs and more tears abounded! What a bond the Holy Spirit makes possible in such a short time! If you were to stand outside the building and look in, you would see our team with children surrounding each one of us. You would see hugs, and kisses galore and you would have heard "Gracias" (Thank You) and "Dios te Beindiga" (God bless you) many times! We kept telling them that we loved them so much (Te Quiero Mucho) and returned they're God bless you's too!
We had a bonfire after dinner and treated the children to s'mores! There were quite the happy (and slightly sticky) children around the fire! One group gathered around and sang, other's talked and others were coming up to us with handmade cards and trinket gifts that they wanted to give us! We are blessed beyond measure!
God is so good! I marvel at His wondrous works among the children of men! I'm grateful to be able to learn more of the power of His love through trips like these! Blessed be His Name now and forever and may the children in this place know they're worth to God and in God!