Colombia - May 23rd || Maxwell
After a wonderful and refreshing nights sleep we headed out bright and early this morning for Colegio Santa Cecilia school. As we entered the school door we were met with the smiling faces of some of the 1,000 children attending the school all dancing to some lively music and waving to us. It was a great welcome! Soon after arriving all the grades except for pre K went to their normal classes and the Pre K gathered into a group and sat down for a lesson. In this lesson Richard showed the children how God's solution is the only fix for our problems. When we try to fix them on our own we seem to make it worse and get in the way, but when we rely on Christ to help us, not only is it fixed but we are also free to grow through it. After the lesson we devided into three goups and had a time of games and crafts in which we reinforced the lesson from Richard using verses like John 14:6: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." The games and crafts brought a new level of understanding! They provided the children the opportunity to do hands-on activities on how great our God is and how Salvation is only through Him, not through anything we can do. These classes also gave us an amazing time to grow our friendships with them! After every group would finsh the children would smother us in hugs, kisses, and hands asking for autographs. These children truly found a place deep in our hearts as we spent the morning with them pouring Christ love into them. After a wonderful lunch provided by the school we headed to a store/mall to pick-up supplies for the rest of the week. When we got back to the hostel, five of us started to prepare dinner for the team. This prep turned into quite the adventure which included smashing up VERY hard avacado that would at times go flying though the air and send everyone to burst into fits of laughter. (the team member who picked these avacados up at the store will remain unspoken ;p ) After diner we spent a few hours singing songs, praying and preparing crafts and games for tomorrow. As our day is starting to come to a close we are able to see how God has worked throughout the day in ways that are sooooo amazing! God is working here and it is so very neat see this happening around us!! Praise be to God!~ Maxwell