Thursday || Day 13 - Lydia

Together we have been looking at the people in scripture that are said to have walked with God; what was so significant, why were they mentioned among the seven men who, the Bible says, "walked with God"? Noah, for example preached for many years without seeing any fruit. What is our motivation for the things that we do? Are we here to make a difference or are we here in obedience because this is where God has called us?We passed the half way mark for Spanish classes today, we have been cramming our brains full and working hard to learn. Even though we have been blessed with a wonderful place to stay I was beginning to feel a bit imprisoned. After classes we were able to go to a park and play some volleyball, it was good to get out and get some exercise as well as fresh air. Thanks to some Spanish practice tools, some of us were able to expend a little more energy than the rest!I am excited to be able to get more practical, hands on Spanish experience tomorrow at another orphanage, please continue to pray for us as we work to learn this language and use it to minister to those around us.Hebrews 12:1-2 LydiaRachelMichaelaLizBasic 2 classBasic 1 Studying20140213_GEspanishLT_0008 20140213_GEspanishLT_0009 20140213_GEspanishLT_0010 20140213_GEspanishLT_0011Caleb Letting out some pent up study energyThe Lord's stunning sunset!Volleyball!!!!!!!!!20140213_GEspanishLT_0016 20140213_GEspanishLT_0017


Ambassadors to the World


Photoshoots and a Widow || Day 12 - Monique