Hard Dirt and Soft Hearts | Day 14 - John
Today our teacher Yasmina saw the fruit of her labors. We traveled to an orphanage today to work with the children and she came along to evaluate our progression and share in the ministry as well. Just as CHRIST focused not only on the spiritual side of things, He also focused on their physical needs. Following our Master's example we started out leveling the ground for a trampoline. Now that sounds pretty easy, but with the blazing sun shining straight down on you, coupled with the ground being hard as a rock, it was a long slow process. As we were working I exclaimed, "I got more than a tablespoon of dirt." <-- We were not able to say this very often. With lots of sweat, blister, and broken shovels the trampoline was leveled. The rest of the team spent a few hours raking leaves and piling them to be burned.We had a amazing time with the children as they were eagerly designing their flag of freedom from sin. Hearing them left their voices to the LORD in one accord. What a indescribable sound it will be as every tongue from every nation praised the LORD at one time!