Finishing Strong
War paint is flowing... Flags are waving... Spirits are high... The legendary game of capture the flag is underway, GE style...and may the odds be ever in your favor! I think some of us may have had a little too much fun...and I won't mention any names...BEKAH!!! ;)Kudos to Team Rojo for their epic transformation from underdogs to gold medal winners. Danny claims that this was not his strategy all along, but I'm not quite convinced. ;) Even though Team Verde did not place in the overall competition, I am so proud of how hard the kids worked. I love my team and wouldn't trade it for any other. :)Pastor Benjamin, his staff, and all the kids planned a dinner party for the GE team that was beyond perfect, complete with a red carpet, great food, music, dancing, and hugs. I feel such a mix of emotions...I never expected to cry so much...but what can you do when your favorite kid goes to pieces in your arms. I'm so thankful to God right now for this incredible experience!Heidi