[08.04 - Sunday] Ending and Beginning Again

Most of us were up and awake this morning writing in journals and preparing to leave for the airport in a few hours. Some tried to stay up all night, but I couldn’t. It was really neat, because a few hours prior, we were all sharing with each other the things that God was impressing in our hearts and had been teaching us on the trip. It was really encouraging to everyone.We were all up and packed to leave by 5:30am. On the long drive to the airport we talked about what each was going to be doing on Monday morning.Saying goodbye to everyone was sad. We said goodbye to the Terrells, Gabby, Alex, and Bonnie—all who had become part of the mission team. Two groups separated: one flight to Huston and the other to Mexico City. And although we were excited to see our loved ones back home, we were also sad to be leaving each other.It was such a blessing to be a part of this team and I considered it such a privilege to serve our wonderful Lord alongside these friends. It was awesome to witness growth both in individuals and as a team. I believe that God stretched us, challenged us, and opened our eyes to new things. We got to experience missions and work with missionaries. We lived the challenges of learning to work together and unify under the common call of Christ—learning to love one another as He has loved us (even though we were a very diverse group). We were able to witness God working through us to bring people to the Savior and to shine His light in dark places. We persevered and kept our focus on Christ through sickness, rough living, hard work, and little sleep. There was impact both ways: on those whom we served and on us who did the serving.To all of you who prayed and supported in other ways: thank you! You are also a partaker of the benefits of this trip and the fruitfulness of the gospel in Chiapas, Mexico. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and His powerful grace to fulfill in us His eternal purposes! He gets the credit—we make our boast in Him.And although this Chiapas 2013 trip ends, God’s mission does not. I have been encouraged to be on mission as I return home—and we, in Christ, are all His servants—learning to please Him and do His will wherever we are. We are looking to the hope of the resurrection, where God shall reward each one for his or her labor. So let us press on in faith, in love, and in hope—learning to please Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. Praise the Lord!- TimIMG_7170IMG_7181IMG_7196IMG_7282IMG_7252IMG_7197IMG_7208IMG_7213IMG_7236IMG_7336photo (1)photo (6)photo




[08.03 - Saturday] Reflections on God's Orchestration