Small Things...Big Things

One out of many things I've been learning over the past week is how much the small things mean.  A cup of water.  A scratch on the back.  Over the last couple days, we have said our goodbyes to the Quito kids, and they surprised me with their attachment to us.  I felt I had been so limited in giving them love.  Sometimes a warm smile and hug was the only language we both understood.  But that language seeps to the core like no other.  And these kids need it.Genesis (pronounced with an "H") was one of the girls who needed it.  I scratched her back on Thursday, such a small, small thing.  My finger tips felt the grime of her sweater and I wondered who scratched her back at home?   When it came time to say goodbye, she gave me one of the two Tootsie Rolls we gave all the kids.  I tried to give it back.  It can't be often they receive gifts, even as small as that.  But she wouldn't allow it. She wanted to give something in return for the love.And I thought how cheap the gift of love is.  Why don't I give it more often?  Why am I not overflowing with it so that reaching out is the most natural thing in the world?Ecuador-July 18, 20131AtaliePartner with us in prayer: That we would continue to be filled with the love of the Lord and pour ourselves out for others.




Highlights from Wednesday in Ecuador