
As we talked through our day during the team devotions this evening everyone agreed that it was easier to connect with the kids today. Considering how many children we have at both programs God has blessed us with a lot of opportunities for one-on-one connections with the kids.We got some more background on the area where we are doing the afternoon program. The church where we are working actually grew out of an outreach to children. Now it has grown to about 60 parents and 80 kids in regular attendance. Some of the kids attending the program are homeless. Many of them lack any kind of stable family structure. They live in area plagued by violence and drugs. Many of them are not saved yet. Pray that they would understand and receive the gospel this week!The team has been doing an awesome job of working with two very different settings and really seeing the kids as individuals even though there are so many of them. They also have an amazing ability to pull off fun skits. Today was "The Mind of Bucky" for those of you who know this year's stories.Elizabeth, for the teamThank you to Amariah for the pictures!20130717-010716.jpg20130717-010747.jpg20130717-010809.jpg20130717-010824.jpg20130717-010845.jpg20130717-010859.jpg20130717-010917.jpg20130717-010935.jpg20130717-010951.jpg20130717-011002.jpg


Let the Little Children...


Tuesday Morning in Pictures