
Beautiful. Silent. Raw. Precious.A hush fell over the rambunctious group of 40 middle schoolers as I began talking. Swinging from trees and yelling loudly just moments before, those same children were now gathered in a half circle at my feet with their eyes and ears trained on me. Speaking with energy and enthusiasm to keep their attention, I explained to the kids that we were photographers from the US and that we wanted to teach them how to take pictures that would tell stories, that would tell God's story, and proclaim how He is working in their lives.Marissa came up and shared a photo story of how she realized brokenness and trusted in Christ to save her, looking to Him to take the broken pieces of her life and make her whole.As I stood back, listening to Marissa share truth, and observing the strange transformation in these usually rowdy children, something deep within me was touched.In that moment, I knew.God was doing something special in our midst, working deep within the lives of these children, allowing His truth to seep into their hearts; and somehow, someway, God was using us, this photography team, to be part of this precious work.Due to the initial rowdiness of the kids, the poverty of the area, and the safety risk for the cameras, I originally was skeptical that we would actually be able to let the kids shoot and use the cameras.However, because of the surprising peace and calm that came over the group, I prayed about it, and took a leap of faith. I decided to let them use the cameras.We were losing the attention of the group, so before Eli shared the photography lesson for the day, I let the kids know that kids from the States had sponsored camera for them to use to practice on and that if they listened really closely to the lesson, they would be allowed to use the cameras. Again, silence and calm fell over the group.After the lesson we split up the kids into 5 groups, letting each group share a camera, and assigning a Photographer to lead and coach each group. It lit up their world. Their smiles were huge as they ran around taking pictures, interacting with the Photography team member coaching them, and just having fun.You get the feel the kids in this area don't get opportunities like this, don't have people coming and taking an interest in them, and don't have cameras to use. All of the kids wanted their picture taken, and got really excited that they too got to take pictures. It gave the entire "program" credibility and interest, and gave us an outlet to speak into their lives; with love and the hope of the Gospel.When shooting time was up, we gathered them back up into a group so that Bekah could share her story on relationships. At this point the kids were rowdy and once again out of control. "Listen or leave, two options." This is what I told the kids, and I meant it. If they wanted to be a distraction, then they needed to leave so that others that were trying to listen could still hear the words of truth. Only one kid got up and left. Everyone else stayed and listened. In fact, they huddled in close around Bekah to see the pictures and hear the stories.Watching. Listening. Praying.Standing there, I knew that we were part of something amazing. God was working in our midst, and using simple Photographers as His vessels. His Gospel was going forth, His truth was being proclaimed, and His Spirit was touching hearts and calming the seas.I don't think that a single one of the Photographers left that place untouched. An experience like this reaches through your masks, your walls, your self-protecting facades, and touches the core of who you are.As a group, we are changed.I think they get it now. Everything I've been praying they would catch the vision of- about using cameras to connect, using stories to relate, and pictures to illustrate and captivate in a way that words cannot; became crystal clear.We are photographers. We are storytellers. We are communicators.But most of all, we are instruments in the hands of a Mighty God who can take our brokenness and our inadequacies and redeem them into something beautiful for His glory.Blessed be His name.20130125_AO_4225920130125_AO_4226020130125_AO_42261 20130125_AO_42269 20130125_AO_42272 20130125_AO_42280 20130125_AO_42310 20130125_AO_4233520130125_AO_42500  


Heading to the Jungle


A Day At The Market