Colombia Day 5 - Mother's Day in Bogota

Feliz Dias de madres!Soo, today, unlike most of the days, was rather chill minus all the packing and cleaning out of the rooms in which we were staying. No getting up at 6 am (thankfully). The morning began around 7:45. We did our normal morning routine - took showers, got ready , and then headed down for breakfast! After breakfast we drank a lot of water, Emergen-C, and took our vitamins (gummy ones preferably).Like I said, today wasn't like most days. Instead of heading to a school, or up high into the mountains, today we went to church! Well, most of us did, Ruth stayed behind at the hostel with Sterling while she wasn't feeling well (She is feeling a lot better now.) We got to the church around 9-ish, and were told that we were going to be singing! (Fun, right?) We had a quick "practice session" which really was us trying to remember all the words to "You are My All in All." We met up with Mrs. Gaddis (my mother) during the church service. Then we got called up to sing! Awesome! Needless to say we could have probably done better, given more time of course. Anyway, we got down from singing and listened to a sermon about trusting that God will use you wherever you are.After church we decided to go to get some lunch with my mother and the team! We drove to a neighborhood called Las Florestas. There in Las Florestas we went to the local mall, there seems to be a mall designated for each neighborhood, to eat lunch. Everyone ate well at lunch, I know this because most everyone was full before they finished their plate of food. I of course (being the nice person that I am) happily finished what they could not. After lunch we did a little shopping at the mall then packed up and headed out to run some errands. Most of my family that is on the team ( my older brother Drew, and my older sister Amanda) went with my mother to a fair. I unfortunately could not go with them (not enough room in the car).  So I could not spend as much time with my mother on Mothers Day as I would have liked to. So instead I went with the other team members to find some last minute craft and game needs for the orphanage. After being sent ALL over the Home Goods store (the equivalent of Home Depot or Lowes), we finally found what we were after.Which brings me to now! We're waiting for the bus driver to come to the hostel to pick us up and take us to the orphanage we'll be staying at for the next week or so. Unfortunately the bus driver is running a little a late (the traffic is apparently horrible due to everyone trying to see their mothers). So he is not expected to get us until sometime around 8 or 8:30 p.m. We may or may not have wifi while we're there. So here I am writing to you a little earlier than usual. I'm glad to say everyone is feeling better and ready to go for tomorrow when we begin teaching and loving on the the kids at the orphanage!Thanks for reading!-Dustin for the team.DSC02734 DSC02739 DSC02740 DSC02746 DSC02747 photo (1) photo (2) photo (3) Snapshot 1 (5-12-2013 8-00 PM)


Colombia Day 6 - Tell the World Jesus Loves Them!


Colombia Day 4 - Teaching in the Mountains (& Ruth's Bday!)