Colombia Day 2 - Lost Coins, Color Bombs
This morning was an early start and after a healthy dose of café (coffee) in the mess hall, we started our adventure playing a game of stuff the equipo (team) in the coche (car), strangly enough not that much of an odd sight compared to the buses which are also well stuffed.Lucky for us, we only had a 5 minute ride to the escuela (school). After a short briefing we were well on our way. We split into two different equipos (teams); I was on the craft team with four other people and a translator; ready for anything. Good thing, because we discovered the paints were really mini color bombs, ready to explode as soon as you decided to open them. Luckily I had packed my sharpie trove in with the prop bag. Our craft today was the “lost coin” as we tag teamed sharing the message of salvation and how the Lord would search the world over just for one person even if He had the entire world of people already found.After we spent some time just loving on the kids, learning Spanish, playing games, taking “una foto" more than just once, and being mobbed for silly bands. The children said good bye, excited to see us again tomorrow.From there we then went to lunch. We passed our 11 random dished around the table so each would get a minute and a half with the dish before it got moved on to the next team member. A great team bonding experience. After lunch we all headed back to the hostel (no not hotel) to rest after the long morning and to plain for more adventure for the upcoming events. I slept personally, until I was called to a team meeting. It was important, but I’m just not sure I am allowed to discuss time sensitive information, because no spoilers for you.Anyway from there we went to do a little team shopping at the grocery store. Bought some pan (bread) and banana, yogurt, cheese, and random native fruit we thought it would be fun to try. Dodging in and out of traffic we made it all safe and sound back to the hostel and had a small, talkative dinner, before the last team meeting reminiscing over the day. Looking back it seems like just a glimpse, missing some details that I just can't put into a document but cherish in my mind. I hope that you, in reading this update, remember to pray for these kids and strength for the Christian teachers at the schools that are always loving on these kids. Well this is me signing off for el equipo Colombiano.- Amanda for the team