The 2011/2012 Interns, Part 1

We would like to say a huge thank you to the 2011/2012 Global Encounters interns! They have provided much of the muscle and brains that made it possible to put Global Encounters teams on the field this past year. So, what are the interns doing now? Here's an update...

Mandy Graham

PR InternRemember those fun contests like the t-shirt design contest and the photo essay scholarship contest? Mandy was the one who kept those running like a well-oiled machine (and yes, the contests are coming back in 2013! More on that some other time). Along with Danny Fox she kept GE's social marketing moving, got information out to team members, and helped with lots of behind-the-scenes projects.What's next for Mandy? Mandy is now an EMT student at Northeast State Community College... and loving it! She started the program because she wanted training in how to respond to emergency situations and a practical way to help people, both in other countries and at home. Mandy is also still working with GE, just in a different role. She is helping collect some of the funny, crazy, and touching adventures of GE members. If she asks you for your story, don't miss the chance to tell the world what God has been doing!What did she learn as a GE intern? Mandy said she learned that there's a lot more that goes into missions than showing up in a foreign country! There's tons of prep, prayer, raising of support, placing of orders, and mailing of supplies that happens right here at home. In fact, for Mandy, one of the biggest lessons was learning that you can't confine missions to a particular place or people group. Whether you're in another country or the US, are you living your life for God and making a difference where He has you?Interested in a volunteer internship with Global Encounters? Take a look at the job descriptions and fill out an application! You could be one of the 2012/2013 amazing GE interns!


Summer in Review - Perspectives from Team Leaders


A Missionary Heart in the Arena of Prayer