08.05 - Sunday in Tojolobal

Tojolobal: Plan de Ayala/Palma RealToday we opted to have our own church service on the porch in English, instead of attending one of the services in Tojolobal which consist mostly of singing. It was a good time of fellowship. After our usual routine of going to a village and holding a clinic (which hardly anyone showed up to unlike most other clinics; we later learned we were competing with a wedding and a baptism in a neighboring village), we drove up a road which was not very car-friendly and ate our lunch overlooking a beautiful valley. Wild blackberries were added to our menu and as we ate we could hear the distant sound of cowbells. The evening ended with a trek to the river near Plan de Ayala, a square dance with the ninos, and then a time of reading out loud by moonlight on a hill overlooking the village. It was a good way to spend our last night in the jungle. It is hard to believe our time here is almost at an end, and I am so grateful for the opportunities I've had and the wonderful memories we've made that will last a lifetime.~Julianna 


Well done, Chiapas team 2012!


08.04 Saturday - Out in the pine trees of Santa Rita