Reflections on Psalm 23:5

Most times when I hear someone suggest reading Psalm 23 either for a group devotional or personally, I get this thought "that's a great Psalm!... but I already know it, so I'll just think it over in my head while I do other stuff." Or I'll even tune it out all together. Although my intentions are generally good, 9 times out of 10 I end  up thinking over other things and not dwelling on those verses as I had planned. But the power of the scripture NEVER returns void! So this morning [7/23] as it was read for team devotions I caught myself when I began to mentally "wander" & choose to focus on one verse (it's a little easier for my lil' brain to handle).Verse 5. "You provide abundantly/lavishly for me before those who wish me harmed: You place great honor/value upon me; I am overwhelmed..."Why is it David specifically says the Lord provides for him "in the presence of my enemies"? It could be David is just saying that his enemies notice he is well provided for, or I like to think it's like the kid that all the other kids in the neighborhood like to pick on. But every day that kid's dad returns from work & devotes all his time, money, & love to giving this kid everything they'll ever need & then some. And I can just picture all the children that bullied this kid looking on, knowing that no mean thing they can do, and nothing they can take from this kid will ever really matter because of the father's love, shown through his provision.Now this child had nothing to really "improve" the fathers life. Brought in no income, couldn't do much about vehicle or home repair, didn't cook, etc.... Yet given the choice, the father wouldn't hesitate one second to give his all for his child! It seems to me that the father places far more value on his child than the child was truly worth. Why? The father's love for his child was so great that it didn't matter what "made sense" or what made his life easier. His child's well being was everything!-Nate


07.30 Monday - Casa Hogar Canaan orphanage


07.20 - 07.24 Med team: Reflections