07.18 Wednesday – USA to Mexico

Chiapas jungle + medical teams 2012 are headed south! Eight of us are currently sitting at about 35,000 feet above sea level, somewhere between Houston, TX and our final airport of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, MX. Longest layover winner today was Kyle, clocking in a whopping 10 hours and 25 minutes in the Houston airport. Shortest layover winner was Amy, whose delayed flights gave her a mere 17 minutes, just enough time to jump in a team picture then hop on the plane. We’re all happily on board and looking forward to getting to know each other better through the days ahead. Rose and Nate have (we expect) already landed in Tuxtla. From there we’ll all travel the hour by van to San Cristobal where we will base for the next three weeks. We appreciate all your prayers and support as we begin this time of ministry, and we have high expectations for an epic trip serving Jesus together.  –AmyUPDATE: All team members (and luggage) have arrived at the Terrells' in San Cristobal!  We'll be packing for the jungle tomorrow.  


07.19 - to the Ch'ol Jungle tomorrow


Week One is Coming to a Close