Wednesday 3.28.12

Ashlyn: Teaching Colombian students how to use [and take] photos that tell a story, and explaining how I can use my images to communicate the message of Jesus' love for me. Priceless.328older-girlsKristi: The best thing in the world... being greeted by tons of darling Colombian kiddos in the morning all saying: "Kristi! Kristi! Kristi!" My heart can't handle all the darlingness! Last day with this group of kiddos. Jesus is doing so much.Brandon: It was really hard to leave the school that we were working at. God really used us to minister to the kids.328studentsAshlyn: It always catch you off guard when a girl from one of your classes comes up and exclaims "You look like my Mom!" However, it gave us a connection throughout the days, and with the help of my limited Spanish and her broken English ... we decided that she is my Colombian sister. Our standard greeting to each other was "Hola Hermana" {Hello Sister}. She doesnt have a "real" sister and was pretty thrilled to adopt me :)328ashlyn1Elizabeth: We finished up our last day at the school in Chia. We have had many opportunities to share the Truth with the kids here. The photography courses have gone particularly well with the kids not only improving their photography skills but also seeing the truth presented in very visual ways.Kristi investing in the adorable studentsAshlyn and Greg heading up the first part of photo class; 1 of 5 classes in Colombia today!Brandon's only three times the height of these little kids.Elizabeth: We visited the Catedral de Sal. It's a salt mine that was turned into an underground cathedral.328salt-cathedralColombian kids are so adorable!328bogota-streets328team-downtown328cathedral328colombian-girls329colombian-girlDickson siblings in Colombia!


Thursday 3.29.12


Tuesday 3.27.12