The Adventure is On!

Cup of coffee in hand, time to pull out the laptop and get a few projects done. Typical work day? Not hardly! I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting for a flight to Bogota, Colombia! We are looking at 12 awesome days of missions ministry. Here's what's on the schedule:March 22 - team leaders fly to BogotaMarch 23 - Daniel Cavanaugh, Christina Dickson, and I will be training a group of children and youth workers at a church in Bogota. Topic: how to train children in Christ-like character. More team members fly in.March 24 - Continue the training for teachers in Bogota. The rest of the team arrives.March 25 - Ministry in churches for the morning. Team prep and training in the afternoon.March 26-28 - Three days of working at a school with about 850 students. It's a secular school, but in addition to teaching character, we have total freedom to share the Gospel. Pray for clear communication!March 29-April 1 - Four days of working at an orphanage for former street kids. We will be doing our summer camp program right there at the orphanage.April 2 - Fly homeWe would appreciate your prayer as we launch into this latest opportunity to share the Gospel and impact people for eternity. We need God's blessing if we are truly going to communicate to the hearts of these kids and teens.- Elizabeth, for the Colombia team


Friday 3.23.12


Countdown to Colombia: one week!