Waterfall Day
I think today was probably the most exciting twenty-four hour period of this trip so far! I can't believe so much fit into such a short time. We began the day by leaving our post in Carranza for a short break from clinics to do some sightseeing and fun, but before we left, we got to see a partial pig slaughter (video coming soon).Our first stop was at Misol-Ha, an amazing park with gorgeous falls. But the falls weren't just pretty; they were so much fun! We jumped off a big rock and went sailing through the waterfall into the lake underneath. Talk about fun! Then there was also a little cave to explore and see a mini fountain and lake in the middle of the mountain. We then drove to Palenque for a lunch that was delicious; unfortunately, our portions were a bit too large and not even the guys could help clean the table. :) We then headed out to see another waterfall. On the way we got to see some beautiful scenery and beautiful birds like the yellow-bellied flycatcher. As we drove through one little village, the truck in front of us was full of Federalis who were tossing candy to all the little village kids. It was quite a site. The next waterfall was even prettier than Misol-Ha, but very cold. There was another missions team there from a church in Pennsylvania, and it was nice to meet fellow Christians.We then spent the night at a jungle hotel near Xaxchilan so we could head out early for a day of more sightseeing. Oh yeah, and we saw a tarantula on the road to our hotel. Needless to say, after a day like that, we slept well that night.Abby Rogers