Heading Back to Civilization

Today we packed up everything and prepared to head back to San Cristobal after our four days in the Tojolobal area. We split into two teams with all the girls, Stephen, and Grace in one team and the other team of Nathan, David, Dr. Rivas and his wife, and Eunice.While Nathan's team headed straight to San Cris, the other team took a small detour to see the falls at Chiflon and swim there. After four days in the jungle without a shower, the water felt amazing despite the cold. We then climbed all the way up the stairs to see the top of the waterfall. To see that much water coming down with that much force was a reminder to me of how powerful our God is. By the time we reached the last platform, we were pretty much soaked from all the spray.We then went back to San Cris and made it in time for dinner. Julie Terrell knew exactly what a team coming out of the jungle needed: salad. Although I miss the gorgeous Tojolobal area, it is nice to be back.Abby Rogers, for the Global Encounters medical teamThe waterfalls at ChiflonGoing for a swimThe team girls. Thanks for taking the picture, Steven.More of the waterfall sceneryStrange jungle fruit


Sunday with the Orphans


We have how many patients?!?