Round Three!

We have to send our internet stick back to Deva tonight, so here's a quick run-down on what's going on. After a whirlwind tour of old Europe (super cool, by the way), we arrived back in the Hateg area to take part in several church services on Sunday.In the morning we visited the church where some of the kids from our first week of camp attend. It was so good to see them again! We sang, shared testimonies, and had the kids sing with us. Ionel even shared a testimony. In the evening we spoke again at another church. Rob and David did a great job preaching.Monday saw multiple car-loads of kids pulling up at the camp again. This is a different group from last week because we have a lot of older teens. So... three-ring circus coming right up! Rob, David, and I are running teen sessions while Kaytra, Rachel, and Lizzy work with the younger kids, but there's also lots of running back and forth.Pray for us as we wrap up our last couple of days in Romania. It's going to be a race to the finish line since we leave the country just hours after the kids leave camp. If we find an internet connection between now and then we'll update you, but if you don't hear from us for a few days don't worry. It just means we are minus an internet option.Schedule from here to the end:Tuesday - campWednesday - campThursday - camp (this is the day we have the princess afternoon for the girls and a BBQ and bonfire in the evening.)Friday - kids leave right after lunch, we leave right after dinner to drive to Budapest.Saturday - Rachel flies out in the morning. The rest of us fly out in the afternoon.Elizabeth, for the Romania team


6/21 and 6/22 -Chiapas
