Esmeraldas Begins...

And so our first week in Esmeraldas begins!

We will be working at a public Christian school called Luz y Libertad this week. We went to the school this morning to meet with Pastor Luis (Papi) and the director of the school. We also spent some time praying over the school and for the kids that we will be working with this week.

Today also started the ritual of three-a-days… that is three showers a day. Because it is so hot here, some of us *cough cough* (me) have been losing a lot of excess water through our pores. It’s pretty nasty.

We are all so excited to be working with the same people that we worked with last year. The hearts of the people here never cease to amaze me! They are so loving and kind! I don’t know that I have ever met a group of people that loves complete strangers so sacrificially!

We also did some training for the Ecuadorian teams that are going to be helping us in the children’s program this week. There were about 50 Ecuadorians who showed up excited to help this week! Boy, are they going to be such a blessing with this week’s children’s program as large as it is!

Pray for us this week, as we will all be stretched so much farther than we would naturally like to be! Pray that we will rely on Christ to give us the extra strength that we don’t have in ourselves.

In Christ Alone,



Tuesday in Esmeraldas


Sunday: Arriving in Esmeraldas