[Wednesday 6-8] Opportuities Multiplied
Destination: 20 de NoviembreToday was the second day of our jungle expedition! The Lord blessed us with great opportunities! We entered our day with a devotion from Psalm 96. We have been reading a lot of Psalms; they bring an awareness of the awesomeness of our Lord and Savior. It reconstructs one’s perspective, revealing the Lords greatness and dwarfing our humanness. It’s just what we needed! It reminded us of our ultimate goal, and encouraged us to pressure our day with vigor, running wholeheartedly for the ultimate purpose of bringing much glory to our Father’s kingdom.
After devotions, our fearless Nathan had each of us choose a productive activity to accomplish. Some of the team stayed to help the family that was kind enough to host us. They did some garden work, teaching the family many of the basics about planting and cultivation, and started a bunch of seeds for the family to transplant once sprouted. Another portion of our team worked on the Tojolabal recording project to get the Bible on audio CD. The rest of us took a drive to the nearby highschool to do a water filter science class for the students. Once there we found out that many of the kids just drank from the nearby pond, which is infested with tadpoles and parasites! Gross! They all were a little shy but they began to gradually warm up to us and soon we were able to talk with them in small groups. One particular boy about 16 years old shared with us that he had a love for playing the guitar. He offered to play for us. It was so neat to see that though we may be worlds apart the Lord has put within us all an appreciation for music. Henry, one of our fun-loving teammates, shares the same interest and he was able to show the highschooler some guitar skills. Later we learned that the boy had to borrow guitars from his school mates because he didn’t have one of his own, so he wasn’t able to practice as much as he would have liked. Henry and I decided that at the end of the trip we want pitch in and buy one for him. It was such a great opportunity and I’m so grateful to the Lord for giving it to us.
Later after our small chats here and there with the students we were able to put on a skit for them. We told the story of two brothers who learn genuine love, and emphasized our Savior's unconditional love for us and our need to demonstrate selfless love to others. It was a lot of fun and was so fulfilling to be able to do something productive for the cause of Christ and eternally productive!
At the end of our day we all went out to a field with the kids back at the home where we were staying and played a huge game of duck duck goose with about 50 of them from near and far! It was a blast! They thought it was the best thing ever. We all played until the sun went down! Towards the end of the game everything started going crazy, with everyone running around shouting pato, pato, ganzo (duck, duck, goose)! It was a fantastic way to end the day! And when all was said and done it was a very productive day.-Brittany, for the team
Team devotions
Washing dishes, jungle style - Seth, Henry, Brittany, Abby
Water filter science class - Nathan Terrell
"Two Brothers" story at the local highschool
Stephen and Christopher, our two "brothers"
Local version of a school bus
Brittany, as Shadrach
Christopher, our very rich king for the Firey Furnace story
Pato, pato, ganzo (duck, duck, goose)
Jungle gymnastics
Laura's mastery of hammocks