[Wednesday 6-15] The Construction Continues

Destination: San Cristobal, Teopisca/Casa Hogar Canaan orphanageToday marks the half-way point of our trip and we finished it off with some steamy baked potatoes made by our awesome hostess Julie Terrell. It's hard to imagine that half of our time in Chiapas has already passed but then again, it also feels like it has been months! We spent the fair part of the day working at the Casa Hogar Canaan orphanage installing windows, sheeting walls, and playing with the kids. 20110615-img_0175-mandyRain has tried to hamper us every time we’ve worked at the orphanage, but I’m afraid there’s nothing that can deter our fearless leader Christopher who, despite the heavy rain, thunder, and lightning, kept cutting trim on the table saw outside until the very end! The kids are lots of fun to be around, polite, mature, and know how to have a great time!One of the things that has really hit me about Chiapas is the way time works down here. You can leave as early as you want to and still end up being late! San Cristobal is a beautiful, colonial city; a stark contrast to the mud huts and open fires I was expecting! The jungle is much more primitive for sure, but Chiapas has its perks. God has put each person on this team for a reason and it’s neat to see how each person brings something different to the mix. The energetic, always laughing Brittany, to wise and low key Seth, to no nonsense Nicole, to random Abby makes a very fun, interesting group! A shout out to our fellow team mate Laura Frahm who had to leave early; it’s not the same without you!A thousand times I've failed,Still your mercy remains.And should I stumble again,Still I'm caught in your grace.Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades.Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame.My heart and my soul, I give You control,Consume me from the inside out Lord.Let justice and praise, become my embrace,To love You from the inside out.- Henry, for the team


Stephen and Seth prepping window trim to take to the orphanage


Stephen Curry, Mandy, and Brittany


Stephen rounding window trim


Henry installing glass


Brittany removing the old cardboard


Henry, Mandy, Katie, Christopher


Rain, rain, rain! Amazing how fast it can start to downpour here!


Such irony


All the kids are homeschooled at the orphanage, including subjects like English and music


Amy helping one of the girls with her schoolwork


A finished handwriting assignment


Thursday 6/16


[Tuesday 6-14] Stop and Ponder