Global Encounters Essay Contest Winners
The winning essays have been selected! It was hard to choose from among so many excellent writers. Thank you so everyone who participated in the essay contest and congratulations to the winners!The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place essays will be printed in the upcoming Global Encounters newsletters. Sign up for the newsletter to see the essays as soon as they are released!First Place Winner:Rose Finley From: Dauphin, PA Essay Theme:This is Real Missions.....
Second Place Winner:Katarina McEachernFrom:Bonham, TXEssay Theme:Missions... Who Benefits?....
The Honorable Mentions:
These are not in any particular order.Name:Chelsea ZackeyFrom:Akron, NYEssay Theme:This Mission is Life....
Name:Nathaniel FormanFrom:Fort Lauderdale, FLEssay Theme:Who Is Your Mission?....
Name: Nikita ChintalapudiFrom:Cary, NCEssay Theme:Loving the Unlovely...
Name:Priscilla ChinnaduraiFrom:IndiaEssay Theme: Seize the Moment: The Impact Lasts for Generations...
Name:Rachael BallmannFrom:Kopperl, TXEssay Theme:Christ for the Nations!