The God of the nations...

February 6, 2011I love worshiping with the people of God from different cultures. God's kingdom across the world is awesome to be a part of. Every time I attend a church that speaks a language other than English, I am reminded that our God is not an English speaking God. He is the God of His chosen people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. He has broken all barriers. He transcends culture. He is the "God of this city". He is the God of the nations. Because " the name of Jesus every knee should bow..."I simply can't wait to see all the nations worshiping and praising God together for all eternity. But until then, I want to sing with them here on earth. I love the Spanish people. I love their openness and genuine heart. I want to know their dreams, desires, and heart. The only way I can do that is by knowing their language. I am more motivated than ever to learn the language so I can proclaim and encourage them in the gospel. As I attended church this morning and sung the praises of God in Spanish with my Mexican brothers, my heart was overwhelmed. I was once again reminded of why it is I am here attending language school. Deep within my heart arose this burning desire to reach the Spanish people and to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ of these lands. Paul's heart that we find in Ephesians 3:7 has become my heart: "...this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ." This is what I want to do. Preach the "unsearchable riches of Christ" to the Spanish speaking people of this world. I want to give them a vision of Christ gospel. I want to proclaim to those who do not know the precious gospel. I want to grow with my Spanish brothers and sisters in the Gospel. My prayer is that I would know the working of His spirit in my life as I learn this language. My prayer for those of you who are reading this blog is that God would so grab your heart and burn within you a desire to reach the world for Christ that you could do nothing but respond. Its different for everyone, but we must all do it; whether in our backyard, support financially, or take the good news to another land. It's your duty as a lover of Jesus Christ. I ask you to join me in this endeavor. You won't be sorry that you did.This little guy stole our heart...

The stretching of the mind. Love every minuet of it. Immersed in the culture. So immersed that we just might be becoming Spanish.


This is San Cristobal...


Closed to the Gospel...