Monday, February 28th
Today was our first “regular” day in the jungle...if you can call any day regular! In the morning, we got up and cooked breakfast over a wood stove. Then after a short Bible study it was off to install water filters. Stephen and Daniel went to Copia the next town over to install 2 or 3 filters. The rest of us divided into two teams and installed filters in our village. After lunch it is siesta time in the village. From about 1 to 3ish most everything shuts down for lunch and siesta time. At 3 PM we went to the basketball court in the middle of town and did a children's program on God as Creator. After the program we went back and cooked dinner for us and what seemed like half the village. We got to use a lot of our Spanish that we had learned talking with the families. Then it was off to bed to get rested up for another day in the jungle!Jacob, for the team