Real-Life Missions [tuesday]

We're homebodies again jungles, no exploration trips downtown. Today - a different kind of adventure. Right now we're working on several projects around our wonderful hosts' home. I'm actually very excited about getting to serve them in this way; they are so busy with the ministry and with their family that getting non-essential projects done around the house can get set on the back-burner for the more pressing issues. Us being at the house this week and getting some of these projects done is hopefully going to take some load off Nathan and Julie's shoulders.untitled7The projects we're working on today include painting and varnishing in the living room, prepping walls on the upper-level addition, and removing/replacing the old caulk on the apartment hallway windows. These projects were actually all started yesterday, so today our mission is to make as much more headway as we can on them. Each of us is playing a very important part in accomplishing these jobs, whether we're cutting and bending baling wire, varnishing window sills, or chipping away at mildewy caulk.Everyone's efforts are really starting to show as the projects take shape. Painting/varnishing in the living room is going awesomely! It's going from white with unfinished wood trim to a fresh minty green color along with a crisp new coat of complimentary white and a set of varnished wood accents to finish it off. Downstairs in the hallway, chunks of old caulk are coming off slowly but surely; the window panes will soon be ready for new caulk! The roof is really starting to take the form of an additional full floor of rooms. Styrofoam and baling wire are the 2 components of the walls being put in upstairs - not exactly the American way of doing things, but these buildings are firm and solid, and the materials are affordable and easily accessible. Can't say for sure yet just how much will get done up there because it's such a huge project, but we'll definitely make a sizable dent in the load... give Nathan a jump-start in getting it rolling and eventually accomplished sooner rather than later.We've been able to keep the girls, Cloe (5) and Gabi (almost 3) occupied to try and free Julie up for a while as well. The girls are so precious... It's really been more play than work during these "babysitting" sessions. I really hope Julie has gotten to rest as well as get some of her own projects done; I understand more since coming here that mothering three children ages 5 and under is a daunting task, so the opportunity to help her out and give her a break is something I'm more than glad to jump on.untitled41Staying with the Terrells has really broadened my perspective on what it means to be a missionary family. It's been pretty exciting to observe the desires God has given me to do something much like this. I'm reminded of these desires every time I spend any time with a young missionary family. "Exciting"..."mysterious"..."grand adventure"... These are the terms I have to describe the direction I believe God is taking me. Much prayer is being lifted regarding this; I don't want to miss a single beat... a single word of confirmation or new direction... a single moment He wants to draw me closer to His heart, which is where I really want to be in this journey. I can't help but praise God for bringing me on this trip and including me in the initiatives He has going here in the heart of Chiapas and here in my own heart. Wouldn't have missed it for the world.A super-sized THANK YOU to everyone praying for us! Your prayers mean more than you know - we wouldn't be able to do anything we're doing apart from God, and so our need is great. Thank you for praying for the team, for the Terrell family, for the local Mexican missionaries, and for the people of Chiapas who have yet to experience the saving grace of God. You're playing a huge part of our ministry here!Dios los bendigan! (God bless you all!)For the GE Chiapas 2010 Team,Edenuntitled22untitled32untitled52


Orphanage Ministry [Wednesday]


The Day Dawned Bright and Beautiful [monday]