Eternal Relationships

Wow. Today was another full day of learning and loving. Every day here is a new adventure and every day I seem to love these people and this place more, and it becomes harder to think of leaving our new friends.chiapas_relationshipsThe people here have opened their homes and hearts to us in the most amazing way. Life here in the pueblos of Chiapas is different than at home. People are never too busy to stop and talk - even when half of what we say doesn’t make much sense in their language! They just laugh and correct us when we make mistakes, repeating their sentences over and over until we can understand what they are saying, or else call for Gabby or Grace - our wonderful translators. People clearly put a higher priority on relationships here than any place I’ve ever been before. And really, shouldn’t it be that way? Relationships are what life should be built on. One thing I like about this trip is that we’re building on relationships already established by Nathan. We aren’t just coming in like a whirlwind and then disappearing forever.chiapas_reallycutekidEach day here we’ve been teaching children’s programs both in Llano Grande and in surrounding villages. The children love the stories and games, but what they love most I think is just the attention and the tangible love they receive. We’ve had so much fun with the children making balloon animals, passing out candy and hugs, and communicating the love of Jesus through any form we can.Even as I try to write this there are three girls hanging over my shoulder wanting to see pictures of this trip. As we look through them, the girls point and smile and make jokes - and even though I don’t understand everything they say, a shared laugh goes across any language barrier. They keep saying things like “when you come back again,” and honestly I can’t bear to say that I may never be back! I hope I will get to come back here and see my brothers and sisters from this part of the world again.chiapas_cookingIn the evenings we often gather with families from the village here to sing and play the guitar. It is one of my favorite things to do! I love to hear the praises sung to the Lord whether it be in English or Spanish. It reminds me of that day when God’s children from every tribe and tongue will gather around the throne to praise their redeemer. But until that day, I’m so glad to be able to have a part in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ anywhere I can!- Rachel, for everyone


Sad Goodbyes and Happy Showers [friday]


Time Flies in Zoque!