Mitad del Mundo

_dsc7556Bienvenidos al Mitad del Mundo! (Welcome to the middle of the world!) What an incredible opportunity we all had today to visit the equator. After taking dozens of photos indicating our fascination with the fact that we could be in winter and summer at the same time, we browsed through several souvenir shops, complete with alpaca hats, scarves, and quilts (so soft!). We completed our tourism escapade and took off for another fabulous day with the Ecuadorian ninos!img_2990Todays theme: dependability. I think our entire team would concur that our preparation today was much better than yesterday. Crafts made heart key chains and paper clocks (we can be dependable all hours of the day). The lesson team reenacted the Bible story of the house built on the rock vs. sand. Games (my team) played 3-legged races and other activities in which one must depend upon their partner to be successful.As we taught, it hit me that God calls us to be dependable even when others are not, but we must remember our human frailty and how easily we fail. When we cannot rely on others and when others cannot depend on us, we have God to depend on always. Praise the Lord for his many blessings and promises!May we ask for your prayers that God may work int he children's lives and that we may build personal relationships with them. May our words and lessons be meaningful and applicable. Above all else, pray that God might be glorified and delight in what He has done and will continue to do through our team. Love to you all!Suzanna, for the team_dsc7534_dsc7526Summer on one side of the line and winter on the other. You could totally feel the difference. (NOT!)img_2947img_2948Foxes at the equatorimg_2974The lesson team - outdoors on the roof. It was beautiful weather today.img_2986Craft teamimg_2983This is the area where we are working - view from the roof of the church._dsc7587John and the kids watching a story about how a lack of dependability blew up the class volcano.


Running Fast and Patience


What Time is It?!?!?