Time Flies!

It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're having fun!  We're ending week two here in Chiapas, and we've had some very memorable moments! :-)Friday morning our whole group headed off to language school.  It's great having everyone well again!  Both classes did a bunch of review and conversational practice during class, and everyone felt that they really were able to reinforce all the new material we covered this week.  Our brains keep feeling more and more full...img_2625-1After school, we took some time to walk around town to see the sights and stretch our legs.  San Cristobal is such a neat little place, and it was fun seeing all the different buildings, people, and the wares for sale.  Our friendly waiter at Salsa Verde, Victor, was happy to see us all pile in for more tacos, and everyone showed good signs of returning appetites.Once at home, we started videotaping the skits for the GE curriculum.  We're finally realizing that we might have hoped to accomplish more than humanly possible :-) , but we're doing as much as we can.  Our goal is to get most of the skits cranked out this week so that Nathan can start editing the video.  cloe-terrellOur little audience, Cloe and Gaby Terrell, enjoyed the in-house entertainment, while providing entertainment of their own at the same time.  We love those little squirts!Everyone's prayers for us are so appreciated!  It's for God's glory that we're here, and it's our goal that many people, including ourselves, will come to know Him in a more real way through our time here.--Amy, for the language teamA story in progress...Gabby Terrell = very cute!The film set. Nathan is doing so much for us... providing equipment, managing the camera, giving the technical know-how... we are very grateful!Young street vendorDowntown Cathedralimg_2618


Canon de Sumidero


And the language studies continue...