Nosotros amamos practicar nuestro Espanol!
With compliments to Daniel, the phrase of the day is "me gusto." :-) Gustar is one of those wonderful irregular verbs that also gets combined with the whole reflexive effect... hence the fun when the verb conjugation practice came out as "I like myself" instead of "I like...".Everything is going really well except that little problem of Ruth and Elizabeth's missing luggage. It's been three days now...Other random homework phrases:"Yo mataré cada insecto yo veo" (I will kill every insect I see) -- Amy"El es un chochino" (He is a pig) -- Adriana"Reímos mucho." (We laugh a lot) - Kati"Esto es tonto" (That's just dumb) -- Daniel again"Yo comí demaseado almuerzo" (I ate too much for lunch) -- Esteban"Yo odio Mexicana" (I hate Mexicana [airline]) -- Elisabet"Este es problemático!" (This is problematic!) -- Rutita"Yo tengo un pasador" (I have a hairclip) -- Daniel, mistakenly using "pasador" (hairclip), instead of "pregunta" (question). The look on the teacher's face was priceless! :-)