Sunday in San Cristobal

Sunday, August 16, 2009p1010362Hi everyone! Today was a day of celebration and we had church service at Gabi and Grace’s church: Iglesia Biblica Bautista Emanuel. I was excited to experience a church service in Chiapas, Mexico. We arrived to pretty much a full house. We sang a few hymns in Spanish and the Pastor gave us a message on Psalms 23. Gabi and Grace did a wonderful job of translating the message from Spanish to English for those who did not understand.img_3247After the service ended we headed to Chedraui and had lunch there. We got back and quickly cleaned up the house for little Gabi’s 2nd birthday party. Katie and Laura made delicious cupcakes, while the rest of the gang hung an array of colored balloons on the clothes line. Before the party started some of us were sent to the recording room to make CD copies of certain books of the Gospel in Spanish and Ch’ol. We missed out on the first half of the party, but made it for the birthday song! Right after Gabi blew out her candles she took a big bite out of the frosting, which made my day.volleyballWe all were looking forward to playing volleyball as well and we finally got the chance to make it happen. We went to a local park hung the net and played 4 games. I had a lot of fun as did the other team members. To end this wonderful day we came back and had a nice bonfire, fire roasted some hot dogs, and ate some s’mores. Tonight is the last night in San Cristobal and we will be leaving the comfort of the Terrell’s home to head out to Ch’ol country. They have been such a blessing to us and I am very grateful for their hospitality. Tomorrow will be a day of travel and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in Ch’ol country. Please continue to pray for us.-Joni, Team Chiapasimg_3208Helping with birthday party prep... and what party would be complete without a piñata filled with candy?img_3241The super cute little birthday girl taking a turn at whacking her piñata101_0500After the little kids had their piñata, the adults were going to take a turn at a second one. Ha ha! Never let the mighty Tommy go first on something like this! One swing from him and the piñata shattered sending candy flying everywhere. Oh, well. The kids loved it!chiapas-parte-5-255Daniel and Tommy showing off their cool Chiapas shirts purchased yesterday in the San Cristobal marketevening-bonfireThe bonfire, complete with hot dogs and s'mores!


Back to the Jungle!


It's a Battle