Chiapas Soon!
Team Mexico is getting ready to leave for their two and half weeks of ministry in the rain forests and mountains of southern Mexico. Never heard of Chiapas before? That's OK. Click here to look at a map of Mexico. Find the southernmost state. That's where we're going! We'll be working in the area between Villahermosa and San Cristobal. Steven Curry leaves tomorrow morning (Tuesday) to fly ahead of the team and help with logistics and transportation. The rest of the team flies out Wednesday.We're looking forward to a time of ministry in out-of-the-way places where electricity is unpredictable, running water might not happen, bed is a hammock, and there are lots of people who need to hear the Gospel or be encouraged in their faith. Since wireless internet is not a prominent feature of such locations, please be patient with us if there are some lapses between blog posts. We'll be taking lots of pictures and writing reports about what is happening, and as soon as we find an internet connection, we'll be back in touch with the world.Pray for us as we go!Elizabeth, for the Chiapas Team